Morgan Employees Return from Remote Working Environments | New Safety Procedures in Place

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Updated from original posting at 10:30 ET on 07/13/2020.
A message to our valued customers, employees, and vendors,
On April 27, 2020, Governor Mike Dewine announced his plan to responsibly RestartOhio to get Ohioans back to work in a safe and timely manner. With this plan, businesses are required to implement additional safety standards in order to limit the spread of Covid-19. We are proud to say that as of June 1st, 2020, we have brought all our teammates back from their remote working environments and have moved into our new office building! Here, we will be better suited to meet social distancing requirements and provide a safer work environment.
We continue to prioritize the safety of our employees through the implementation of the following safety standards that will remain in effect indefinitely:
- Deliveries to the Receiving Department: All drivers need to stay next to their vehicle until a Morgan employee gets in contact with them. We have instituted a no-contact rule with drivers while delivering or picking up whenever possible. Sanitizing wipes are available here for use by all parties.
- Vendors/Visitors: Visits will be limited to appointment only until November 6, 2020. Upon arrival, visitors must pass a health questionnaire. Face masks are required prior to entry.
- Facilities: All rooms are thoroughly cleaned with a CDC approved electro-static spraying system twice a week. Confined areas such as café areas and print rooms have a limited occupancy of 2 individuals at a time. Hand sanitizer and wipes are made available in each of these areas.
- Employee Travel: We have a limited pre-approved travel policy in place.
- All employees coming into work are required to conduct a self-evaluation in line with CDC guidelines.
- While our building is open, we are requiring face masks to be worn by all employees, contractors and approved visitors. We are also practicing social distancing and frequent hand washing. All cubicles are spaced 9 feet apart with 53-inch barriers separating them.
We continue to monitor the recommendations of the CDC, our State and Local Officials. We have put in place every action necessary to protect the health and safety of our employees, keeping them in conditions of working efficiently and safely, as well as maintaining continuity of manufacturing, commercial and technical assistance with the same quality levels, without any serious limitation at this moment. As information changes, we will communicate it to you.
We value each and every one of our clients and want to keep everyone as healthy as possible as this virus runs its course. Please let me know if you have any questions at all about the above temporary policy.
Thank you,
Mark L. Fedor, P.E.