Ladle Cranes

Put safety first with a Morgan ladle crane.

Ladle crane pouring hot molten steel

Ladle cranes are the backbone of steel production—that’s a job we pride ourselves in.

We design and manufacture ladle cranes to retain efficiency and uptime in constant, high-capacity, and severe-service production. Constructed with 8-to-1 ropes and heavy heat shielding, Morgan ladle cranes are built to reflect their critical role in the harsh conditions of the melt shop.

Despite its severe duty guards, we prioritize ease of maintenance by creating access points and workable surfaces for commonly serviced areas.

Critical components such as the main hoist assembly, motors, and brakes have built-in redundancies to allow limited use after a fault. In other words, a Morgan ladle crane won’t leave you with multiple tons of molten steel suspended in the air during an outage.

Pairing a Morgan ladle and charge crane in one order? We’ll align their design to reduce the number of spare parts you need to protect production.

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